Wired For Reading Latin and Greek Morpheme Cards

Wired For Reading Latin and Greek Morpheme Cards

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PDF designed for download and print. Seventy Latin and forty Greek morpheme cards align with the Wired for Reading Advanced Course.  Included are the most common, as well as less common, morphemes found in Latin and Greek based English words.  To enhance student learning, adapted American Sign appears on each card.


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The product includes a cover sheet to explain the attributes you will find on the cards. See our Latin morpheme card sample and the chart showing morphemes included in the product below.


What Latin Morphemes are Included?

Set Prefixes Roots Suffixes
1 pre, post, re, in, ex, con, de, dis,


ject, rupt, form, port, dict, tract, spect/spic, tend/tent/tens(e), script/scrib(e), mit/miss, duc(t)/duce ment, ture, er/or, ion, tion, sion, gion, al, ial, tial, cial
2 mis, non, over, pro, contra, semi, trans, inter vert/vers(e), fer, capt/cept/ceit/ceiv(e), plic/plex/ply, fact/fect/fict, pon(e)/pos(e), press/print, sist/stat/ tain/tin/ten, sect/seg ic, ify, an, ian, tian, sian, cian, ous, ious, tious, able, ible
3 sub, super, en, em, ad, ab, ob, uni, bi, per, pur cred, test, pend/pens(e), pict, struct, luc/lus/lum, flex/flect, junct/join, pel/puls(e), grad/gress ize, ent, ient, tien, cient, ence, ience, tience
4 no prefixes in set 4 plor, simil/simul/sem, vent/ven(e)/veni, rect/reg/rig, viv(e)/vit(a), mort, cord, erra, gest, spir(e) ate, ive, ify

What Greek Morphemes are Included?

Set Morphemes
1 ology, graph/gram, anti, therm(o), tele, macro, micro, photo, bio, auto, phobia
2 physi, peri, neo, phone, iso, hyper, hypo, lex, syl/syn/sym, psych(o)
3 card/cord/cour, dem(o), cycle, chrono, eu, dys, dia, mania, geo, pathy, ped/pod
4 polit/polis, sphere, morpho, meter/metr, mono, logue, crat/cracy, scope