Get Certified

Interested in becoming a Certified Wired for Reading Specialist?

Please review the Certification Requirements. To confirm that you meet the Educational Background Prerequisite, kindly submit your Resume or Curriculum Vitae via the form below.

We will respond to you promptly.

Wired for Reading Certification Requirements

To become a Certified Wired for Reading Specialist, candidates must meet an education requirement, take a rigorous set of training courses, demonstrate alignment with the mission and philosophy of the Wired for Reading program, and successfully complete a 9- to 36-month long Practicum. Wired for Reading, LLC does not guarantee certification status to all candidates who begin the certification process.

Education Requirement

Candidate can meet the education standard in one of two ways:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in an accepted field of study from an accredited institution of higher learning
    • Adult Education
    • Bilingual Education
    • Curriculum and Instruction
    • Deaf Education
    • Early Childhood
    • Elementary Education
    • English
    • Guidance and Counseling
    • Learning Disabilities
    • Linguistics
    • Psychology
    • Reading
    • Remedial Reading
    • Secondary Education
    • Special Education
    • Speech and Language Pathology
    • Other *
    • * Based on post-grad studies and/or work experience

  • Post-graduate studies in a related field and/or work experience if approved by course director.

Course Work

  • Candidate completes the 5-course program shown below. (Candidates must have taken these courses within 3 years of starting the Practicum; otherwise, candidates must retake the course at the Alumni rate.)
    • Introductory Course (30 hours)
    • Intermediate Course (10 hours)
    • Advanced Course (20 hours)
    • Intervention Intensive Workshop (6 hours)
    • Assessment Workshop (3 hours)

  • Course Exams (Keep track of the dates and exam results.)
    • Take and pass (@ 75%) the five course exams. Refer to each exam for due dates and times.
      • Primary focus is course content; includes procedural and process questions.

    • Take and pass the Certification Assessment. Question responses due within two weeks of test sent date. Test administered after courses have been taken, exams passed, and Practicum has been completed. There is a nominal grading fee.
    • Primary focus is processes, procedures, and routines; includes problem-solving and client relations questions. (All candidates regardless of Practicum start date must take and pass this exam.)


The mentorship(s) must be pre-approved by the course director to count toward the Practicum. Candidate may work with more than one mentor throughout the Practicum. Candidate participates in and teaches intervention lessons with the mentor’s student/s. Candidate may begin the Practicum after taking the Introductory Course and achieving comfort with the material. Candidate must successfully complete the Practicum to be considered for Certification.

  • Candidate must work with students who present characteristics of Dyslexia and/or language-based learning disorders. A formal diagnostic report is not required.
  • Following a gradual release of responsibility model, candidate actively participates in 60 lesson hours.
    • Hour-long sessions may cover more than one lesson.
    • Adhere to Wired for Reading content and techniques.
    • Lesson hours are allocated among three teaching areas as follows:
      1. Mentor-guided Sessions (28 hours)
        • Candidate observes and participates in regularly scheduled intervention lessons along with mentor and mentor’s student and parent.
        • Mentor prepares lesson plans for home practice and gives a copy to the parent
          and the candidate.

      2. Coaching mentor’s student/s between intervention sessions (27 hours)
        • Follow mentor-prepared lesson plan to practice the material.
        • Practice sessions take place with the student at an agreed upon location which may include the student’s home, student’s school, or a public library.

      3. Candidate-led Sessions (minimum 5 hours)
        • Candidate prepares lesson plans; copy to mentor ahead of time.
        • Candidate teaches the lessons during weekly intervention sessions, replacing
          that week’s student lesson with the Certified Wired for Reading Specialist.
        • Mentor observes the lessons and prepares formal evaluation of each.
        • At least five hours of teaching the following content (1 within the first 3 months):
          • Foundation (may include Foundation skill warm-up activity)
          • Core English Phonics Levels 1
          • Core English Phonics Level 2
          • Advanced (Latin & Greek)
          • Mentor chosen flexible lesson

        • Additional observations may be added as needed to strengthen candidate’s delivery of the content. Please use form 4b to document.

Candidate submits the following documents to the Certification Administrator (

  • Bachelor’s Degree diploma or documentation of post-graduate studies in a related field and/or work experience
  • Documentation of passing grades for each of the five required courses
  • Completed Coaching Hours Documentation-Forms 2 and 3

Mentor submits the following documents to the Certification Administrator (

  • Candidate Lesson Observation and Feedback forms-Form 4a (one for each of the 5 lessons) and Form 4b as applicable.
  • Practicum Mastery Checklist-Form 1
  • Practicum Narrative and Recommendation-Form 5

Certification Supervisor sends Certification Assessment to Candidate-grading fee invoice must paid in advance

Course Director reviews the documentation, grades the Certification Assessment, and notifies the Candidate of the decision. The possible outcomes are as follows:

  1. Certification approved*
  2. Recommendation to extend Practicum
  3. Certification denied

*Subject to candidate successfully completing the Certification Assessment.

Sample Tuition and Fee Schedule***

Wired for
Reading Courses
Tuition Late Fee* By Deadline After Deadline
Introductory $1375 $140 $1375 $1515
Intermediate $375 $35 $375 $410
Advanced $600 $55 $600 $655
Intervention Intensive $400 $25 $400 $425
Assessment $240 $20 $240 $260
Fees Per/Mentor
Administration Fee**
N/A N/A $250 $250
Certification Assessment
Grading Fee
N/A N/A $125 $125
Certification Fee N/A N/A $325 $325
Total $3690 $3965